
There are many different opinions and diets that offer way to live a healthy life. For someone starting out all the information can be overwhelming. Here you will find the meat of the information with the nonsense left out.


Fueling Your Body

Your body is like an engine with the food you consume being the fuel. Would you put poor quality, contaminated fuel into your car? What if the fuel had water in it? Water doesn’t burn…. It can mess up an engine if there is enough in the fuel system.

Myself, I want to fuel my vehicle and my body with high quality fuel so that I know it’s not going to quit on me and it will perform at a optimum level.

What are good fuels/foods? Substances that are high in nutrients (proteins, vitamins, minerals) are what will fuel your body the best so lets have the majority of our diet be these good foods. Wild game, beef, eggs, seafood, pork, chicken are all good starters. 

What are poor fuels? Grains (bread, pasta, oats, cookies, crackers, rice) when compared to meats have much less nutritional value per calorie. 


People think you must count calories when you want to be healthy and lose weight. Nope, not necessary…. if you are eating only good foods and in moderation. When fasting and eating proper foods you will be satisfied before you over-eat in most cases.

Lets compare two scenarios of a calorie counting diet, but will take it to the extreme to demonstrate a point.

  • Person #1 consumes 2,000 calories a day for a year by eating slices of bread and drinking fruit juices.
  • Person #2 also consumes 2,000 calories a day for a year made up of beef, sardines and eggs.


At the end of a year, I’ll let you guess who is going to be the healthier person….. 




Wasting our Body’s Time & Efforts

When we eat our body is working to digest our food and extract the good stuff in order to make a strong body. When we eat junk, our body is wasting it’s time and energy trying get blood out of a turnip. 

Remember all those time you’ve eaten corn and then a day or so later you spot it floating in the toilet? That junk is so useless our body can’t even break it down. Yet someone counts it as a calorie when they would have been much better off trading that corn for a more nutritious option.

By eating high quality foods we fuel our body efficiently and don’t waste our bodies efforts. In a 24 hour period our bodies can only handle so much self care (building muscle, immune defense, self healing). Why waste it’s efforts? 

Actionable Info








Eat a lot of nutrient rich foods like MEAT. 









CALORIES ARE NOT CREATED EQUAL – Consume high quality calories.






Low quality foods slow our progress and waste our time.